Established to create direct access to solar solutions for every Filipino household and corporations, Ecoenergy Solar Philippines is proudly a local company with global partnerships for solar solutions.

We are dedicated to creating a smooth solar transition for you through customized solutions to help you achieve energy efficiency and reduce your energy consumption to save you money.


Build a brighter and more sustainable lifestyle for every household and business


Create accessible and data-driven solar solutions that bring efficiency and result to a lifetime of savings

Why choose us?

We provide expert advice
We provide customized design
and planning based on your
specific needs
Quality service and installation
Our engineers have vast experience in installing solar panels
Conveniently monitor your energy consumption via mobile app
We can provide data-driven analysis on your energy consumption to further improve your consumption
We have a dedicated customer service
Access to Net Metering and earn rebates.
Earn rebates from the excess electricity produced by your solar panels. Ask our customer representative for more info.
Our solar solutions are more affordable compared to our competitors

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Ecoenergy Solar Philippines 2022 | Engineered by: Dynamix
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